Alessandro armando

Office: Viale Dodecaneso, 35, I-16146, Genoa, Italy.


Phone: +39 010 353 2216

Fax: +39 010 353 2948

PGP Public Key: BA0A7BE8BCD6D7E1C91AAC70AB7323630008DAF7

short Bio

Alessandro Armando is professor at the University of Genoa, where he received his Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering in 1988 and his Ph.D in Electronic and Computer Engineering in 1994. His appointments include a postdoctoral research position at the University of Edinburgh (1994-1995) and one as visiting researcher at INRIA-Lorraine in Nancy (1998-1999).

He has been co-founder and director of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (AI-Lab) at DIST (2003-2011), of the Security and Trust Research Unit at the Center for Information Technologies of Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento (2010-2016), and of the Computer Security Laboratory (CSec) at DIBRIS. He is co-founder of the Talos, a spin-off of DIBRIS focused on Cybersecurity.

He has been founder and director (Presidente del Comitato di Gestione) of the Master Universitario di II Livello on ``Cyber Security and Data Protection’’ of the University of Genova for the academic years 2014/2015 and 2016/2017.

He has contributed to the discovery of a vulnerability on the SAML-based Single Sign-On for Google Apps, an authentication flaw in emerging SSO protocols (namely SAML SSO v2.0 and OpenID), and a vulnerability that leads to a Denial of Service attack on all Android devices.

His focus is on developing cutting-edge automated reasoning techniques and on using them to build a new generation of push-button software verification and debugging tools supporting the development of complex, large-scale, distributed IT applications.

Invited Talks and Lectures

Involvement in Scientific Events

I served in the Steering Committees of the following scientific events:

I also served in the Management Committee of

I have been Program Chair of the following scientific events:

I served in the Program Committee of the following scientific events:

Research Projects

I am (or have been) scientific coordinator of the following research projects:

Principal investigator of the following research projects:


Software Tools

I have contributed to the design and/or development of the following software tools:

Teaching Activity


I have supervised more than 30 students during the preparation of their M.Sc. Thesis. I have also been PhD advisor of the following people: